Following Churchill's speech on the 8th May pro­claim­ing the 9th May as VE day a 21 salvo sa­lute was fi­red from 4 guns from 76 bat­tery.  VE day was very dry des­pite a dou­ble issue of rum and the cele­bra­tion con­sis­ted mainly of fi­ring some very light and 2″ mor­tar flares.  The long awai­ted day fell ra­ther flat, most of the men still fin­ding it hard to be­lieve.  En­thu­si­asm was con­si­der­ably dam­pened in 37 bat­tery by the non-​fra­ter­ni­za­tion po­licy in GER­MANY but this was com­pen­sa­ted for by the excel­lent meals pro­vi­ded by the local stocks of beef and chic­ken.

EXERCISE FINALE - 23 May 1945.

54.  On the 10th May 37 and 60 bat­ter­ies re­joi­ned the rest of the Regi­ment in WIN­SCHO­TEN being bil­let­ted in a high school.  It was no WER­VIK but the unit was soon com­for­table and the Town Ma­jor, Ma­jor R.​A. Spend­love was very co-​oper­a­tive.  All ef­forts were now tur­ned to a pro­per job of spit and po­lish on guns, vehi­cles and per­son­nel in pre­par­a­tion for Ex­er­cise FIN­ALE which was to be an in­spec­tion by the Army Com­man­der.  No ef­forts were spared to make this the in­spec­tion in the his­tory of the Regi­ment.  The unit moved to the air­port at EELDE the day be­fore the in­spec­tion where the whole 5 Ca­na­dian Ar­moured Di­vi­sion was lined up in a hol­low square.  The GOC-​in-​C 1 Ca­na­dian Army, Gen­eral H.​D.​G. Crerar took the sa­lute and then clim­bed in a jeep and with an impo­sing array of visi­ting “red tabs” in­spec­ted the Di­vi­sion.  On the com­ple­tion of the in­spec­tion he again moun­ted the salu­ting plat­form and com­pli­men­ted the Divi­sion on its ex­ploits and turn-​out.  He was then gi­ven “three ar­moured cheers” which con­sis­ted of ev­er­y­one ra­cing mo­tors, blow­ing horns and si­rens on a very light sig­nal.  The Gen­eral re­tired for lunch while the Di­vi­sion lined up for the moun­ted march past which star­ted at 1400 hours with tanks and vehi­cles roar­ing by two abreast.  Units then pro­ceed home in­de­pen­dently.  The turn-​out of the Regi­ment was jud­ged the best in the Di­vi­sion in ev­ery way by the AA&QMG 5 Ca­na­dian Ar­moured Di­vi­sion, Lt-Col. Dut­ton.