oblique aerial view of Winschoten showing windmills and a canal
the pretty Dutch town of Winschoten where the regiment remained until December
During the bat­tle the tank was hit three times and the shell splin­ters con­tin­ued to hit the tank but Gun­ner Fehr leaned far out of the hatch eight times to re­ceive fire or­ders from his troop com­man­der who was on the ground di­rec­ting fire.  Gun­ner Fehr pas­sed these mes­sa­ges back to the ar­til­lery regi­ment by wire­less and fi­nally the en­emy guns were neu­tral­ized.
Gunner Fehr's bravery and devo­tion to duty was re­spon­sible for ef­fec­tive fire be­ing bro­ught down on these en­emy guns thus al­low­ing C Com­pany of the Irish Regi­ment of Ca­nada to reach their ob­jec­tive with few cas­u­al­ties”.

VE DAY - 9 May 1945.

53.  RHQ and 76 bat­tery now moved to a rest area in WIN­SCHO­TEN.  60 bat­tery oc­cu­pied a pos­i­tion near WOL­DEN­DORP in a coast-​de­fense role and 37 bat­tery took up pos­i­tion in Ger­many ac­ross the EMS from EM­DEN.  No fi­ring was done from these pos­i­tions and the order “Cease Fire” was re­cei­ved at 0800 hours on the 5th May.