This was later con­firmed by a per­sonal call from the GOC, Ma­jor-​Gen­eral B.​M. Hoff­meis­ter, DSO, ED to the CO, Lt-Col. G.A. Ran­kin.
55.  With the completion of the last di­vi­sional ex­er­cise, all ef­forts were now tur­ned to get­ting equip­ment ready for turn­ing in.  Reha­bi­li­ta­tion pro­gram­mes were star­ted with a com­pul­sory hour spent on dis­cus­sion of Ca­na­dian af­fairs in the morn­ing and vol­un­tary vo­ca­tional cour­ses in the af­ter­noon.  A vo­ca­tional school in WIN­SCHO­TEN was ta­ken over and many of the men availed them­sel­ves of the op­por­tun­ity to learn a trade.  The sor­ting of per­son­nel for CFEF, COF and re­pa­tri­a­tion was com­ple­ted wi1th ap­prox­i­mately 12 % vol­un­teer­ing for the FAR EAST and about 1 % for the Army of Oc­cu­pa­tion.  A new high in soc­ial life was reached and a vi­cious round of dan­ces, mo­vies, shows, par­ties and hos­pi­tal­ity be­gan.  There was some­thing dif­fer­ent ev­ery night and it be­came as dif­fi­cult to get to bed as it had been in ac­tion.


56.  From CANADA, to ENG­LAND, ITALY, FRANCE, BEL­GIUM, HOL­LAND and fi­nally to GER­MANY the Regi­ment had tra­vel­led and now it was over.  Some would go to JA­PAN, some to GER­MANY, some to CA­NADA soon with the high point men and some would go home later with the Regi­ment.  Some would say the Regi­ment was dead ex­cept in name only.  But they would be wrong.  It lives on in the mem­or­ies and lives of the men who were part of it, who suf­fered with it and who laughed with it.  But it is not just a me­mory for from the fel­low­ship that grew up there came an un­der­stan­ding of the other guy and from the long trek an in­ter­na­tional out­look and a grea­ter pride in CA­NADA.  Such sons can­not help but be a cre­dit to any coun­try.  As am­bas­sa­dors of good­will they were par ex­cel­lence and the af­fec­tion of the peo­ple of WER­VIK is but one such mile­stone in the long march.
The job of the Regi­ment is done and its pur­pose fin­ished but its ins­pira­tion lives on.