During the after­noon the area was un­der very heavy en­emy ar­til­lery fire for some four hours from nine 40 mil­li­me­tre flak guns and Cap­tain PY­PER's ob­ser­va­tion tank re­cei­ved four di­rect hits and was set on fire.  Cap­tain Py­per man­aged to es­cape from the burn­ing tank and craw­led into an ad­ja­cent barn and set up a new ob­ser­va­tion post and car­ried on with sup­por­ting ar­til­lery fire.  The barn re­cei­ved sev­eral di­rect hits dur­ing the re­main­der of the af­ter­noon but Cap­tain Py­per with com­plete dis­re­gard for his per­sonal safety skill­fully di­rec­ted ar­til­lery fire on the en­emy guns and fi­nally si­len­ced them.  On 1 May 1945 Cap­tain Py­per was still with C Com­pany in the town of HEV­ES­KES when his ob­ser­va­tion post was hit and his oper­ator kil­led and the two re­main­ing mem­bers of the party were woun­ded.
Cap­tain Pyper remained at his post for six hours oper­a­ting the wire­less set, di­rec­ting ar­til­lery fire on tar­gets and main­tain­ing li­ai­son with the for­ward com­pany, a task nor­mally done by four men.
Captain Pyper's devo­tion to duty and ini­tia­tive un­doub­tedly saved many lives for the in­fan­try bat­tal­ion and his con­duct was an out­stan­ding ex­am­ple and an in­spir­a­tion to all ranks of C Com­pany of the IRISH REGI­MENT OF CA­NADA.”
“On the 30 Ap­ril 1945, during the at­tack of the IRISH REGI­MENT OF CA­NADA on HEV­ES­KES in HOL­LAND, Gun­ner FEHR was a Sig­nal­ler in an ar­til­lery ob­ser­va­tion post tank when the area was sub­jec­ted to heavy shell fire from en­emy guns only eight hun­dred yards dis­tant.
It was imper­ative that these guns must be si­len­ced be­cause they threa­tened to en­gage C Com­pany of the Irish Reg­i­ment of Ca­nada who had ad­van­ced to the area HEV­ES­KES and were about to at­tack.
The shell splin­ters were con­tin­ually hit­ting the sides of the tank and the first round shot away the aer­ial rod.  Dis­re­gar­ding this fact and in full view of the en­emy, Gun­ner Fehr clim­bed on top of the tank and re­placed the aer­ial.