Fraternization continued with 37 battery being the most successful
when “their” town of FRANEKER threw a dance for them.
On the 24th April the Regiment less 60 battery moved to SIDDEBUREN to
support the Division's attack on DELFZIJL.
The following day the Regiment moved on up to WAGENBORGEN and were joined
the next day by 60 battery.
For the first day or two no one was too happy there until it was settled that the infantry
and not the unit were sitting on the
A great deal of firing was done from this position both in support of the
Westminster Regiment and the Irish Regiment.
The Westminster Regiment were loud in their praise of the rapid response
to fire orders and expressed
surprize at the amount
of actual killing done by the guns.
The Irish Regiment was up against some very highly fortified positions
and numerous targets were fired for them with great success.
The majority of the targets fired were “Guns now firing” and the Air
OP carried out many sorties securing
numerous direct hits.
Observation was usually excellent and the OPs carried out more
observed shooting than at any other time in the history of the Regiment.
Capt. J.F.W. Tennant even engaged a boat in the EMS Estuary
sending down such corrections as NW 1000 and SE 2000!
mount of
HE and propaganda
shell fired had a great effect on the
defenders as was later verified from prisoners.
Enemy artillery was numerous and active but the gun area received
only light shelling on one day losing 3 vehicles.
The surrender of the DELFZIJL pocket was accepted on the 2nd May.
The Irish Regiment had a very sticky time in the area of WEIWERD and HEVESKES,
the fighting being very bitter, and batteries of enemy guns dug-in
on a railway embankment giving considerable trouble.
It was here that Capt D.G. Pyper
FOO with the
Irish and his signaller Gnr. Fehr won
MC and
respectively for their work in silencing these guns.
Their citations read as follows.
“On 30 April 1945 Captain PYPER was the Forward Observation
Officer with C Company of the IRISH
OF CANADA which had consolidated SOUTH EAST of HEVESKES, HOLLAND.