WAGENBORGEN - 25 April 1945.

Frater­niza­tion con­tin­ued with 37 bat­tery be­ing the most suc­cess­ful when “their” town of FRAN­EKER threw a dance for them.  On the 24th Ap­ril the Regi­ment less 60 bat­tery mo­ved to SID­DE­BUREN to sup­port the Di­vi­sion's attack on DELF­ZIJL.  The fol­low­ing day the Regi­ment mo­ved on up to WA­GEN­BOR­GEN and were joi­ned the next day by 60 bat­tery.  For the first day or two no one was too happy there un­til it was set­tled that the in­fan­try and not the unit were sit­ting on the FDLs.  A great deal of fi­ring was done from this pos­i­tion both in sup­port of the West­min­ster Regi­ment and the Irish Regi­ment.  The West­min­ster Regi­ment were loud in their praise of the ra­pid re­sponse to fire orders and ex­pres­sed sur­prize at the amount of ac­tual kil­ling done by the guns.  The Irish Regi­ment was up against some very highly for­ti­fied pos­i­tions and nu­mer­ous tar­gets were fi­red for them with great suc­cess.  The ma­jor­ity of the tar­gets fi­red were “Guns now fi­ring” and the Air OP car­ried out many sor­ties se­cur­ing nu­mer­ous di­rect hits.  Ob­ser­va­tion was usu­ally ex­cel­lent and the OPs car­ried out more ob­ser­ved shoot­ing than at any other time in the his­tory of the Regi­ment.  Capt. J.​F.​W. Ten­nant even en­ga­ged a boat in the EMS Es­tu­ary sen­ding down such cor­rec­tions as NW 1000 and SE 2000!  The mount of HE and pro­pa­ganda shell fi­red had a great ef­fect on the Jerry de­fen­ders as was la­ter ver­i­fied from pri­son­ers.  En­emy ar­til­lery was nu­mer­ous and ac­tive but the gun area re­cei­ved only light shel­ling on one day lo­sing 3 veh­i­cles.  The sur­ren­der of the DELF­ZIJL poc­ket was ac­cep­ted on the 2nd May.
52.  The Irish Regi­ment had a very sticky time in the area of WEI­WERD and HEV­ES­KES, the figh­ting be­ing very bit­ter, and bat­ter­ies of en­emy guns dug-​in on a rail­way em­bank­ment gi­ving con­si­der­able trou­ble.  It was here that Capt D.​G. Py­per FOO with the Irish and his sig­nal­ler Gnr. Fehr won the MC and MM re­spec­tively for their work in si­len­cing these guns.  Their ci­ta­tions read as fol­lows.
“On 30 Ap­ril 1945 Cap­tain PY­PER was the For­ward Ob­ser­va­tion Of­fi­cer with C Company of the IRISH REGI­MENT OF CA­NADA which had con­sol­i­da­ted SOUTH EAST of HEV­ES­KES, HOL­LAND.