When returning after their pa­trol, they had made con­tact with the en­emy some 3000 yards to the NORTH and were cut off by an SP gun.  A FOO was des­pat­ched to as­sist them in get­ting back into town.  The first re­port that was re­cei­ved which in­di­ca­ted any­thing out of the or­din­ary was when an of­fi­cer from the GGHGs in­formed 37 bat­tery com­mand post at 2300 hours there were some 200 en­emy 2000 yards NORTH of their pos­i­tion.  The day of the 17th Ap­ril star­ted with a bang at 0001 hours with 76 bat­tery sen­tries re­por­ting that en­emy were mo­ving SOUTH down the road between E and F troops.  Fire was opened on them and RHQ in­formed.  This was pas­sed to all bat­ter­ies, the IrRC and HQ RCA.  All troops in the area im­me­di­ately “Stood To” and wea­pon slits were man­ned for lo­cal de­fence.  Lt. J.H. Stone, the CPO of 76 bat­tery, kept re­por­ting the sit­u­a­tion to RHQ Com­mand Post on the R/T.  Com­mun­i­ca­tions were all by R/T since the ini­tial mor­tar­ing cut all our lines.  76 bat­tery re­por­ted that they must have help but would hang on as long as they could.  This was re­por­ted to HQ RCA and to the IrRC with a re­quest for help.  Lt. J.​H. Stone la­ter re­por­ted that he tho­ught they could hold out if they could have a cou­ple of tanks and they were re­ques­ted re­pea­tedly but to no avail.  When 76 bat­tery Com­mand Post was first sur­roun­ded E. 46592 Gnr BOU­CHARD, R took a White Scout Car in an at­tempt to get thro­ugh to the IrRC for as­sis­tance, put his foot on the floor and drove down the road with SA fire boun­cing off his vehi­cle at point blank range.  He was suc­cess­ful in reach­ing Bat­tal­ion HQ where he re­por­ted the si­tua­tion.  Lt. J.H. Stone then cal­led for fire on a mor­tar at about 200 yards from his Com­mand Post.  *)  60 bat­tery bro­ught down fire in that area and sil­en­ced the mor­tar, fir­ing ran­ges of from 1000 to 750 yards.  37 and 60 bat­ter­ies har­as­sed the roads run­ning NORTH and NORTH EAST out of OT­TER­LOO and 2/11 Me­dium Bat­tery of 3 Me­dium Regi­ment RA har­as­sed the con­cen­tra­tion camp on the main road run­ning NORTH.
*)  Lt. J.H. Stone has since been awar­ded the Mili­tary Cross for the Ot­ter­loo ac­tion.  The cita­tion is not avail­able at time of pub­li­ca­tion.
Editor's Note:  The cita­tion is now loca­ted here in the sup­ple­men­tary ma­ter­ials.