As a result there was lit­tle en­emy shel­ling of the ac­tual cros­sing SOUTH EAST of ARN­HEM.  With day­light the bridge­head ex­pan­ded ra­pidly and by af­ter­noon things had qui­et­ened down con­si­der­ably.

ARNHEM - 15 April 1945.

47.  The late after­noon of the 14th Ap­ril bro­ught the sur­prise news that the whole 5 Ca­na­dian Ar­moured Di­vi­sion was to con­cen­trate in ARN­HEM that night and to make an ar­moured break­thro­ugh at first light.  The Regi­ment im­me­di­ately clim­bed on wheels and star­ted rol­ling at 1715 hours.  The reps and FOOs left to join their re­spec­tive in­fan­try bat­tal­ions and the unit fi­nally ar­rived ac­ross the ri­ver in the wee hours of the morn­ing.  Af­ter some wan­der­ing aro­und in the pitch black the ad­vance par­ties were found and the guns put in ac­tion.  Sharp at first light the tanks crac­ked off with the in­fan­try fol­low­ing up in the af­ter­noon.  No ar­til­lery sup­port was cal­led for, the break­thro­ugh be­ing a com­plete sur­prise and the “Mighty Ma­roon Ma­chine” was re­ally rol­ling.  The fol­low­ing morn­ing the Regi­ment joined in the chase and moved up going into ac­tion at an old Jerry bar­racks.  From here the Air OP did a shoot on what he des­cribed as “en­emy con­cen­tra­ting for a coun­ter at­tack”.  This was suc­cess­fully dis­persed with sev­eral MIKE tar­gets and the Regi­ment mo­ved on, a bat­tery at a time, to OT­TER­LOO.  The 5 Ca­na­dian Ar­moured Bri­gade had reached OT­TER­LOO the day before and had pas­sed through to BARNE­VELD and NIJ­KERK.  The 11 Ca­na­dian In­fan­try Bri­gade was de­tailed to mop up along the axis of ad­vance and to hold the L of C.  The Irish were de­ployed in OT­TER­LOO, the CBH in BARN­E­VELD and the Perth on the high ground EAST of LUN­TEREN.


48.  The Regi­men­tal recce party rea­ched OT­TER­LOO at ap­prox­i­mately 1400 hours and found that the town had been cleared, but the woods on the out­skirts were still being mop­ped up.  The first bat­tery was de­ployed by 1640 hours RHQ and the other two bat­ter­ies not ar­riv­ing until 1900 hrs.  Dur­ing the af­ter­noon a pla­toon of the Irish and a troop of tanks had pro­cee­ded out of the town to the NORTH.