37 bat­tery were soon firing over open sights and at­temp­ting to de­fend them­sel­ves.  C and D com­pa­nies of the IrRC were close to C and D troops but the Bat­tery Com­mand Post was off by it­self.  A mo­men­tary ray of hope was ex­per­ien­ced when 37 bat­tery re­por­ted they heard our tanks but it tur­ned out to be the troop of the GGHGs re­ti­ring to the town.  L.35056 BSM Lloyd, W.​R. of 76 bat­tery man­aged to fight his way out of 76 Bat­tery Com­mand Post to RHQ where he re­por­ted the sit­ua­tion in de­tail.  He then pro­cee­ded to IrRC Tac­ti­cal HQ and asked for one tank.  The Bat­tal­ion Com­man­der agreed and they found a Sgt wil­ling to go but the GGHG of­fi­cer re­fused per­mis­sion.  Major D.L. Gor­don, MBE at RHQ Com­mand Post had taken com­plete charge of the sit­ua­tion and was sys­tem­atic­ally di­vi­ding ev­ery re­port of the num­ber of en­emy in the area by 100.  By this time the 76 bat­tery Com­mand Post was for­ced to eva­cu­ate and fall back on E troop since their house was on fire and their wire­less set sma­shed by enemy fire.  Lt. J.H. Stone im­me­di­ately put their wire­less on the Regi­men­tal net and re-​es­tab­lished com­mun­i­ca­tions with RHQ.  Capt L.​S. Hand then fought his way out of E troop Com­mand Post and ar­ri­ved at RHQ re­por­ting that they were al­most out of SA am­mu­ni­tion and wan­ting some to take back.  How­ever, he was un­able to get the am­mu­ni­tion up to 76 bat­tery since RHQ was now com­pletely cut off from E troop and bur­ning vehi­cles had the area lit up like day.  F troop had with­drawn from their troop Com­mand Post and were dug in around their guns hol­ding their fire until they had some­thing to shoot at.  Lt. A.M. Ross did a hang-up job of con­trol­ling his troop and man­ag­ing to keep mo­ving from gun pit to gun pit.  All their guns were knoc­ked out by ma­chine gun fire but they stayed there figh­ting with their small arms, thro­ugh­out the en­tire night and kil­led 5 enemy on the ac­tual pos­i­tion, woun­ded four more and took 22 pri­son­ers.  The pos­i­tion was sur­roun­ded for over 6½ hours, un­der mor­tar fire and with an oc­ca­sional round from our own guns fal­ling in the area.  The dri­vers from this troop who were some 500 yards in rear de­fen­ded their vehi­cles un­til all nine were woun­ded and then fell back into the IrRC area.