33.  Rain set in and every­thing bog­ged down com­pletely.  The bat­tle now was re­stric­ted to lo­cal ac­tions and it was in one such that Capt. G.E. Mad­den cros­sed a ri­ver with a Com­pany of the Irish.  Evi­dently they were ex­pec­ted for they did­n't come back.  It was la­ter lear­ned that he was a pris­oner of war.  On the 30th Sep­tem­ber en­emy shel­ling and mor­tar­ing reached a new high with con­cen­tra­tions in­clu­ding every­thing from 88 mm to 17 cm.  All OPs be­gan to re­port signs of a heavy coun­ter-​at­tack and soon de­fen­sive fire tasks were being cal­led for on all sides.  The en­emy at­tacked with In­fan­try, tanks, and air-​sup­port, some bombs being drop­ped in the Regi­men­tal area.  Jerry laid down a dense smoke screen and the Regi­ment promptly fil­led it with H.E.  Pre­sum­ably the ef­fect was dis­cour­ag­ing for the situ­ation was soon in hand.  All bat­tal­ion and bri­gade head­quar­ters were loud in their praise of the ar­til­lery sup­port giving it the cre­dit for brea­king up the at­tack.  The first half of Oc­to­ber was nota­ble only for rain and mud.  At­tacks were con­tin­u­ally be­ing laid on and then can­cel­led ow­ing to in­cle­ment wea­ther.  The Pa­dre H/Capt. G.S. Fra­ser star­ted a new stunt to ob­tain cus­to­mers.  He an­noun­ced a rum is­sue at 1800 hrs and when every­one gath­ered in rea­di­ness, cal­led an even­ing Church Ser­vice first.  These be­came known as vol­un­tary par­ades, Mk II.


34.  Finally by the 21 Octo­ber the ground be­came dry eno­ugh and the ad­vance con­tin­ued.  The en­emy had com­ple­ted his pre­par­a­tions for with­drawal and only slight op­po­si­tion was met.  Jer­ry had floo­ded as much of the area as pos­si­ble and the roads were al­most im­pas­sible.  On one ad­vance with the GGHGs Ma­jor E.C. Tate em­bar­ked in a “Duck” ran agro­und on a sand bar and was stuck for five hours.  In the mean­time Capt. D.E.P. Ar­mour was car­ry­ing on with the G.G.H.G. for­ward squad­ron and the Par­ti­sans.  The ad­vance was by what­ever means could be found and cul­min­a­ted with the tri­um­phal en­try into CER­VIA with the G.G.H.G.s as a bi­cy­cle bat­tal­ion.