Fortunately it was possible to “liber­ate” un­der lo­cal ar­range­ments, a con­si­der­able num­ber of hogs, chick­ens and cows as well as fresh vege­ta­bles.  At this time jaun­dice was sen­ding more peo­ple to hos­pi­tal than all other causes put to­ge­ther and bat­tery strengths were down to around 170 all ranks.
31.  During the pitch black night of 16 Sep­tem­ber the Regi­ment moved up to the val­ley below CORI­ANO with­out mis­hap.  The unit was com­men­ded by 4 Bri­tish Di­vi­sion on the speed with which the guns moved up and came into ac­tion mak­ing pos­si­ble the ear­lier move of their own Regi­ments in sup­port.  The area was heav­ily mined with SCHU-​mines and the dust from pas­sing traf­fic drew heavy shell fire cau­sing se­veral cas­u­al­ties.  On the 18th Sep­tem­ber a fire-​plan was fired in sup­port of the 4th Bri­tish Divi­sion's at­tack ac­ross the AUSA RI­VER and ano­ther in sup­port of 1 Ca­na­dian In­fan­try Di­vi­sion's at­tack on the FOR­TU­NATO fea­ture.  The wea­ther turned very bad and move­ment ex­cept for jeeps be­came im­pos­si­ble ow­ing to rain and mud.
32.  On the 23rd Sep­tem­ber the Regi­ment moved for­ward and the fol­low­ing day moved again to a pos­i­tion on the MAR­EC­CHIO RI­VER.  En­emy shel­ling of the roads was heavy and cau­sed some per­son­nel and vehi­cle cas­u­al­ties.  A fire-​plan was fired in sup­port of the 6 New Zea­land Bri­gade with only 16 guns in the Regi­ment able to fire.  The L.A.D. were work­ing full blast try­ing to get more of these Ala­mein guns into shape.
32.  The Infan­try began push­ing slowly but stead­ily ahead and moves were a daily oc­cur­rence. Con­si­der­able sup­por­ting fire was sup­plied and much en­emy coun­ter bat­tery fire ab­sorbed.  The Regi­ment was still badly in need of re­in­force­ments, jaun­dice and bat­tle cas­u­al­ties hav­ing ta­ken their toll.  The guns were keep­ing well up and it was noth­ing new to be in front of bat­tal­ion head­quar­ters.  One wag was heard to re­mark that it was nice to have the 11 Cdn Infan­try Bri­gade sup­por­ting us since they were a good out­fit.  There was much mor­tar­ing and shel­ling and the wire­less was kept busy pas­sing Moreps and Shel­reps.