The house from which he was observing was hit so many times it collapsed.
He promptly moved to another house to continue his effective task.
This second house was similarly dealt with by the enemy and was reduced
to ground level.
Capt. Brown moved to yet a third building and established yet a third
Observation Post.
This house withstood fifty-seven direct hits by enemy shells, and,
with conspicuous courage, Capt. Brown succeeded in silencing
the enemy guns which were still causing casualties.
This Officer's gallant conduct, stout spirit and distinguished
service in action under fire was instrumental in expediting
the preparation by 11 Cdn Infantry Brigade for the very successful
attack on the CORIANO ridge.
His conduct was an inspiration to all ranks”.
For the week preceding the attack an extremely heavy harassing and
counter-battery program was fired and enemy reports
indicated that the fire was very effective.
The Brigade attacked on the night of the 13th September with probably
more artillery support than any other single brigade has ever had.
10 Field Regiments, 6 Medium Regiments, 2 Heavy Regiments, and 2 Heavy
Anti-aircraft Regiments participated in the fire plan and the
artillery of 5 British Corps was on call.
The fighting was very bitter and enemy defensive fire and minefields caused
many casualties.
There was also considerable counter-battery fire resulting in
numerous casualties at the gun position, including
Capt. R.D. Bright who was killed after being with the unit less than a day.
CORIANO was completely cleared on 14th September and 4 British Division
passed through to attack across the MISANO RIVER.
This allowed Reps and
to come in for a much needed, well-earned rest.
The ration situation during the whole GOTHIC line operation was grim.
There was no issue of fresh meat or vegetables and the meals consisted
of a steady diet of
M & V
and dehydrated meat and potatoes.