Moves were fre­quent and par­ties were worn to a fraz­zle pre­par­ing, on an aver­age, two or three posi­tions for every one that was oc­cu­pied.  It was dur­ing this per­iod that 1 Para Div caused some ex­cite­ment by put­ting in a strong coun­ter-​at­tack.  Capt. J.F. Wolfe was for­ced to shoot up his own Ob­ser­va­tion Post and Bat­tal­ion Head­quar­ters since the Ger­mans were out­side and on the roof of both.  While with­draw­ing in his tank he brought down fire on the two buil­dings and the attack col­lapsed.  Some en­emy air acti­vity was en­coun­tered in the SAN GIO­VANI area with Jerry drop­ping anti-per­son­nel bombs and stra­fing dur­ing the night.


28.  The advance bogged down in CORI­ANO area and regis­tra­tion for a set-​piece at­tack was be­gun and in the first two days the Regi­ment par­ti­ci­pa­ted in two WIL­LIAM tar­gets on the town.  For ever­y­one this was by far the tough­est bat­tle of the cam­paign.  As soon as the ad­vance slowed Jerry's coun­ter-​bat­tery be­came ef­fec­tive and he shel­led the gun area regu­larly with var­ious marks of “box­cars”.  For the FOOs up front “the Ridge” was truly a hot­spot.  They were re­pea­tedly shel­led out of their OPs and cas­u­al­ties there and at the gun area were high.  On 6th Sep­tem­ber Capt. W.R. Good­win was killed in an OP over­look­ing CORI­ANO and it was in the same OP on the fol­low­ing day that Capt. C.E. Brown won the Mili­tary Cross.  His ci­ta­tion reads:
“On 7 Sep­tem­ber 1944 Lieut (Acting Cap­tain) Char­les Ed­ward BROWN was the For­ward Obser­va­tion Of­fi­cer with the Irish Regt. of Canada on the ridge just east of CORI­ANO.  The whole bri­gade area (11 Cdn In­fan­try Bri­gade) and in par­ticu­lar, the Irish Regi­ment, was being very heav­ily shel­led and there were many cas­u­al­ties.
Capt. Brown was loca­ted well for­ward and was the only re­main­ing of­fi­cer who was in a pos­i­tion to quickly and ef­fec­tively neu­tral­ize these en­emy guns. 
His fellow For­ward Obser­va­tion Of­fi­cer had been kil­led and his Bat­tery Com­man­der woun­ded by the same shel­ling.