In the wee hours of the mor­ning a minor alarm was oc­ca­sioned by a G.G.H.G. pat­rol re­por­ting an en­emy coun­ter-​at­tack but all re­mained peace­ful.  The mor­ning saw recce par­ties off again with the guns close be­hind to a posi­tion be­side POFI.  Nu­mer­ous mines were dis­cov­ered in this area but care was ta­ken and no cas­ual­ties were suf­fered.  Here 1 Cdn In­fan­try Divi­sion pas­sed thro­ugh and the Regi­ment re­mained in ac­tion until it was out of range and then moved a couple of miles back to a rest area.
21.  In the chase by the Divi­sion the Regi­ment had re­ac­ted in real “raz­zle daz­zle” fash­ion.  The chan­ges of plan, the rushes and de­lays, the traf­fic jams and some­what or­derly con­fu­sion were in the best tra­di­tion of the schemes in Eng­land.  The O.P. par­ties had a very ex­haus­ting and dis­cour­aging time.  The close coun­try and rol­ling hills made good ob­ser­va­tion dif­ficult.  The many wa­ter cour­ses and en­emy de­mo­li­tions com­pel­led FOOs to leave their vehi­cles and pro­ceed for­ward on foot.  Cable main­ten­ance was prac­ti­cally im­pos­si­ble be­cause of the tank move­ment and re­li­ance had to be pla­ced on 38 and 18 sets for com­muni­ca­tions.
22.  The rest area consisted of a num­ber of fields and the im­me­di­ate pri­or­ity tasks were main­ten­ance and sleep.  The Regi­ment then in­dul­ged to a man in a se­vere case of di­er­rea and queues were to be seen every­where.  On the 4th June the G.O.C. Ma­jor Gen­eral B.M. Hoff­meis­ter, DSO, ED, at­ten­ded a Mem­or­ial Ser­vice for those kil­led in ac­tion.  A few days la­ter he ad­dres­sed the unit in­for­mally, poin­ting out that the pace of an ad­vance is gov­erned by the ar­til­lery's abil­ity to give con­tin­uous sup­port.  In this re­spect the Regi­ment had never failed and he was very plea­sed with the mor­ale and spirit shown by all ranks.

ALVIGNANO - 14 Jun 44.

23.  On the 14th June the Regiment moved to ano­ther Rest Area near AL­VIG­NANO.