The heat was terrific so the after­noons were turned over to sports which in­clu­ded swim­ming in the VOL­TURNO and the old Ital­ian cus­tom of “Siesta”.  A sea­side re­sort ac­como­dat­ing one bat­tery at a time was es­ta­blis­hed at the beach at MON­DRA­GONE.  Seven day leaves were star­ted to the BARI and SA­LERNO Rest Camps.  By the end of June most of the Regi­ment had had three days in ROME.  The 17th won an easy first at the Divi­sional Ar­til­lery Sports Meet on the 20th June and con­tribu­ted lar­gely to the Ar­til­lery Group win at the Div. Sports Meet two days later.  Some train­ing was car­ried on in­clu­ding a traf­fic con­trol scheme, weekly bat­tery de­ploy­ments and course shoot­ing on the ranges at PIED­MONTE.  The 28th July was a red let­ter day and the whole Regi­ment took time out to cele­brate the first new vehi­cle to come to the unit since its ar­ri­val in Italy.
Tradition was pre­served and Major W.R. Gil­christ, with the Bat­tery for­med up in a hol­low square christ­ened it with a bot­tle of Vino.  The sub-​unit soft­ball ser­ies arou­sed much en­thu­si­asm and con­sider­able money chan­ged hands.  On the 31st July 100 men of the Regi­ment went to see the King, pre­sent the V.C. to Ma­jor Ma­hony of the West­mins­ter Regi­ment.

MONTEFALCO - Aug 1944.

24.  On the lst August CANA­DAS and for­ma­tion patches were re­moved and the Regi­ment be­gan the move NORTH in a se­cur­ity black­out.  The route went through ROME to the shores of LAKE BOL­SENA where there was an ex­cel­lent beach for swim­ming and also a very fine me­lon patch but very ex­pen­sive.  From there the unit moved past LAKE TRA­SI­MENE to a con­cen­tra­tion area at MON­TE­FALCO.  The road was lit­tered with thou­sands of Ger­man guns and vehi­cles sma­shed by the De­sert Air Force.  The strain of the long con­voy was very tel­ling on our old vehi­cles and the trip ended with 24 vehi­cles and 1 gun in work­shops.  The news that FLOR­ENCE had fal­len was ex­pec­ted daily and the Pro­vost had the “OUT OF BOUNDS TO CANA­DIAN TROOPS” signs ready.