A heavy harassing fire pro­gram was car­ried on and se­par­ate H.F. po­si­tions were used for the first time.  The mud even­tu­ally be­came so bad that it was ne­ces­sary to start pul­ling H.F. guns out at noon in or­der to have them in the new po­si­tion by even­ing.  An ad­ded nui­sance was the fact that sec­tions of the road re­qui­red chains while on other sec­tions the use of chains was for­bid­den.  The first am­mu­ni­tion re­stric­tion of 40 rounds per gun per day was now in force, not ow­ing to a short­age of am­mu­ni­tion but to save the guns.  To break the mo­no­tony of the sta­tic front a fire plan was ar­ranged for first light the 15th Feb­ru­ary.  The in­ten­tion was to catch in the open a group of en­emy liv­ing in the caves be­hind TOL­LO who came out every mor­ning for break­fast.  Con­si­der­able air-burst was fired with suc­cess al­though it was dif­fi­cult to get any ob­ser­va­tion of the re­sults.  Daily per­iods were de­vo­ted to gun drill and lay­ing and des­pite the mud some de­gree of spit and po­lish was main­tained.  The quiet front af­for­ded the op­por­tun­ity for se­veral Lieu­ten­ants and Ser­geants to take a shift at the Ob­ser­va­tion Post.  A 48 hour Rest Camp was now func­tion­ing a few miles in rear of the Regi­men­tal po­si­tion and leave va­can­cies were re­ceived for the 8th Army Rest Camp at BARI.

LUCERA - 7 Mar 44.

13.  On the 7th March the Regi­ment han­ded over to the 11th Cdn Army Field Regi­ment R.C.A. and moved to the LU­CERA “rest area”.  It was an in­tro­duc­tion to “rest areas” of which there were to be se­veral.  It was soon found that the word “rest” was pure pro­pa­ganda since there was no such thing.  In spite of it all rest areas did serve a use­ful pur­pose in that they pro­vi­ded a change and made every­one very happy to get back into ac­tion again.  This camp was merely an open field some dis­tance from LU­CERA which was al­most com­pletely lack­ing in rec­rea­tional fa­ci­li­ties and en­ter­tain­ment.  On the 12th March all Of­fi­cers and NCOs who could be spared pro­ceeded to the 8th Army School of Ar­til­lery at SAN NI­CAN­DRO for a weeks re­fresher course.  The range was found to be the most dif­fi­cult yet en­coun­tered ow­ing to the false crests dead ground and deep val­leys.