The shooting was exception­ally good with the prize shoot going to Ma­jor W.R. Gil­christ.  His tar­get was a des­truc­tive shoot on a lone tree on a crest at 5700 yards.  He took six rang­ing rounds, adjus­ted the MPI and then hit the tree twice.  This was the first time it had been done by any Regi­ment on this range.  Every­one en­joyed the camp im­mensely.  The or­gani­za­tion, sche­dule and in­struc­tion was ex­cel­lent and much praise must go to the school and es­pec­ially to the I.G. Major Peter Lowe.  Ba­sic train­ing was not for­got­ten and Ts.O.E.T., Small Arms range prac­tices and route marches were car­ried out.  All traces of the dirt and mud of the per­iod in action had now dis­ap­peared and 76th Bat­tery even in­vi­ted the Com­man­ding Offi­cer Lt-Col. R.W. Arm­strong to in­spect them.  A re­turn was made to SAN NI­CAN­DRO to cali­brate ab­so­lutely one gun per bat­tery and com­par­atively cali­brate the re­main­der.  Fol­low­ing the cali­bra­tion the Regi­ment par­tici­pated in an in­fan­try-cum-tank exer­cise with live am­mu­ni­tion on the ranges.  The G.O.C. Ma­jor-Gen­eral B.M. Hoff­meis­ter, DSO., walked with the In­fan­try of the Irish Regi­ment with­in 200 yards of our bar­rage and the whole de­mon­stra­tion was con­si­dered highly suc­cess­ful.


14.  In April the 11 Canadian Infan­try Bri­gade was placed under com­mand of the New Zea­land Di­vi­sion on the CA­SINO front with the Regi­ment pro­vid­ing the close sup­port.  The unit first moved to a con­cen­tra­tion area near VIN­CHIA­TURO hav­ing an ex­cel­lent con­voy dis­pite dif­fi­cult roads.  A Bri­tish Royal Artil­lery Colo­nel who had been rid­ing in the con­voy for some time took the trou­ble to en­quire for Col. Arm­strong and per­son­ally con­gra­tu­late him on the road dis­ci­pline main­tained.  In the con­cen­tra­tion area the Offi­cers and men made the ac­quain­tance of the for­mer Ca­na­dian town of CAMPO­BASSO with its clubs and Sig­nori­tas.  Not daun­ted by the wea­ther ev­ery­one took a great pride in his per­son­al ap­pear­ance so much so in fact that two Bri­tish Cap­tains stop­ped a Bom­bar­dier to ask if there was to be a big Cana­dian par­ade in town, not be­ing able to be­lieve they would be so smart for any other reason.