The first few schemes were mainly to train the divisional staff in the movement
and maintenance of the Division in the field.
For the Regiment, although valuable lessons were learned in the numerous
deployments the main benefit derived was getting to know the
opposite number in the infantry and tanks and learning to work with them.
In addition to the divisional schemes the Regiment also managed
to do some shooting into the sea.
HE, Airburst Ranging and
Chemical were fired for the first time.
It was while on one such firing practice that the Regiment deployed in the parks
of the Earl of Leicester at HOLKHAM and many of the men were shown by the Earl
through the “Hall” which was full of valuable works of art and
very interesting.
The main divisional schemes were RABBIT, SHERMAN, HARDTACK, GRIZZLY
and culminating with SNAFFLE which was a large scale operation with a
Polish Armoured Division.