32.  The first few schemes were mainly to train the di­vi­sional staff in the move­ment and main­ten­ance of the Divi­sion in the field.  For the Regi­ment, al­though valu­able les­sons were learned in the nu­mer­ous de­ploy­ments the main ben­efit de­rived was get­ting to know the op­po­site num­ber in the in­fan­try and tanks and learn­ing to work with them.  In ad­di­tion to the di­vi­sional schemes the Regi­ment also man­aged to do some shoot­ing into the sea.  Boun­cing HE, Air­burst Rang­ing and BE Chem­ical were fired for the first time.  It was while on one such fir­ing prac­tice that the Regi­ment de­ployed in the parks of the Earl of Lei­ces­ter at HOLK­HAM and many of the men were shown by the Earl through the “Hall” which was full of val­uable works of art and very in­ter­esting.  The main di­vi­sional schemes were RAB­BIT, SHER­MAN, HARD­TACK, GRIZ­ZLY and cul­min­ating with SNAF­FLE which was a large scale oper­ation with a Po­lish Ar­moured Di­vi­sion.
orderly room tents in the Winchester area