33.  On the 19th August the Regi­ment moved south to an area just north of WIN­CHES­TER.  This was also a hut­ted camp and it was not with­out rea­son that it was promptly dub­bed “Windy Ridge”.  Since the camp was in the WIN­CHES­TER water shed, all re­fuse had to be burned, not bur­ied and the unit lived in a more or less per­ma­nent odour that will long be re­mem­bered.  The first part of the stay was the us­ual sort of thing;  TsOET, foot drill, gun drill, smar­ten­ing up, etc.  Li­ber­ty trucks took par­ties to sur­round­ing towns and leaves were again al­lowed.  They were es­pe­cially wel­come since no pass later than 2359 hours had been al­lowed during the stay in NOR­FOLK.  Se­ver­al fi­es­tas took place in WIN­CHES­TER.  The most no­table being an all ranks dance, the first and last one of it's kind — the offi­cers didn't have a chance.


On the 8 Sept. unit cen­sor­ship was im­posed for Ex­er­cise HAR­LE­QUIN.  Since this was the first scheme that in­clu­ded ve­hi­cle wa­ter­proof­ing and mail cen­sor­ship even the wild­est ru­mours gained cre­dence only to be sur­pas­sed by wil­der still.  How­ever after being mar­ched to the docks, shown a boat and then being mar­ched back to unit lines all il­lu­sions were soon dis­pelled. 


34.  Harlequin was followed by a num­ber of other schemes, namely, VIC­TOR, BLAST and DIT­TO tak­ing the unit in turn from AL­FRIS­TON to LARK­HILL to SEN­NY­BRIDGE.  The shoot­ing was up to it's usual high stan­dard and Welsh weather was it's usual un­be­liev­able self.  Mike and Un­cle tar­gets were prac­tised and much clo­ser co-op­er­a­tion with the in­fan­try was achieved.  The main pur­pose of these schemes was to cor­rect mis­takes and faults dis­co­vered dur­ing the di­vi­sional ex­er­ci­ses in NOR­FOLK.  Much ef­fort was ex­pen­ded in at­temp­ting to ex­plain to Lt-Col. R.W. Arm­strong, that all ranks knew how to dig and that train­ing in this di­rec­tion need not be em­pha­sized.