30.  The Regiment had a com­plete in­spec­tion of ve­hi­cles, quar­ters, kitch­ens, etc on the 2nd April by the CRA Brig R.O.G. Mor­ton.  Dur­ing the month much time was spent on com­mand post exer­cises, SA fir­ing, and night oc­cu­pa­tions.  On the 28th Ap­ril the Regi­ment moved off on Ex­er­cise Gun­bus­ter I which in­clu­ded fir­ing at AL­FRIS­TON. LARK­HILL and SEN­NY­BRIDGE and re­turned to CHA­PEL­WOOD MANOR on the 11th May.  In both May and June the Regi­ment had it's reg­u­lar monthly fir­ing prac­tice at AL­FRIS­TON brush­ing up on the drill for pre­dic­ted smoke screens, da­tum point shooting Arty/R shoots with Mer­ton Ob­liques, CB and HF tasks, UN­CLE tar­gets, quick and pre­dic­ted bar­rages, Oboe smoke screens, air­burst HE and a great deal of course shoot­ing.


31.  Unit training being pretty well com­pleted through­out the Di­vi­sion a move was made in early July to NOR­FOLK where an area was avail­able for de­ploy­ments on a di­vi­sional level.  The move there was high­ligh­ted by the di­vi­sion mov­ing com­plete less tanks in a di­vi­sional con­voy through the heart of LON­DON.  The Regi­ment was cen­tred in a hut­ted camp at DISS with 76 bat­tery at ATTLE­BOR­OUGH.  This was the first time any Ca­na­dian troops had been sta­tioned in this area and it was here that the unit re­ceived the warm­est wel­come of any­where in ENG­LAND.  Every­one was very friendly and at every con­voy halt they rushed out with tea and cakes which were really appre­cia­ted.  Des­pite the fact that the unit's stay in NOR­FOLK con­sis­ted of one scheme after ano­ther with hardly ever more than a two-day break be­tween, every­one soon had a girl friend and most of the men con­si­der this the most plea­sant per­iod of their stay in ENG­LAND.  The only gripe was that we were kept so busy.  Owing to the use of the de­ploy­ment area being al­lot­ted on a def­in­ite sche­dule no leaves, late passes etc were given in or­der to de­rive the ful­lest ad­van­tage from the fa­cil­i­ties.  In ad­di­tion there some­how was a scheme every week­end.