“Cease Fire Spar­tan” was or­dered on the 12th of March with mor­ale and health of all ranks at a high le­vel ow­ing to the out­door life .


29.  Shortly afterwards the Regi­ment was selec­ted to demon­strate before the an­nual meet­ing of the CsRA Home Forces at LARK­HILL.  This was the first time that a Cana­dian Regi­ment had been so hon­oured.  It was at this exer­cise that the Oboe smoke screen and the use of col­oured smoke in co-oper­ation with air­craft were demon­stra­ted for the first time.  A demon­stra­tion Flank Smoke Bar­rage was also fired in sup­port of tanks at­tack­ing the spec­ta­tors stand.  Among the spec­ta­tors were the As­sis­tant Chief of the Imper­ial Gen­eral Staff, Major-Gen­eral Ever­ett, the MGRA, the BRA, the GOC 5 Cana­dian Ar­moured Divi­sion and nearly all the C's. R.A. in Eng­land.  All were im­pres­sed with the speed and accur­acy of the fire.  At the con­clu­sion of the demon­stra­tion the Regi­ment was inspec­ted by Major-Gen­eral Ever­ett and his party.  Con­gra­tu­la­tions were later con­veyed by the fol­low­ing let­ter:
“Demonstration Larkhill
17Cdn Field Regt R.C.A.
1.  The BRA 1 Cdn Army has re­ceived a let­ter from the MGRA Home For­ces thank­ing him for the good show which the 17 Cdn Regt put on at the Lark­hill demon­stra­tion.
2.  The BRA wishes me to con­vey his con­gra­tu­la­tions to the unit and to say that he was very pleased with the excel­lent ac­count they gave of them­selves.  I wish to add my own con­gra­tu­la­tions.
(sgd) A.E.D. Tremaine, Brig
CCRA 2 Cdn Corps”.