28.  February was a month of inten­sive train­ing con­sis­ting of cross-coun­try com­pass marches, night occu­pa­tions, night con­voys, anti-tank shoot­ing at BEACHY HEAD, etc.  The NCOs as­sumed all the duties of the of­fi­cers for a week and the offi­cers went to school under D.G. Camp­bell, Capt IG.  On the 25th Feb­ru­ary the Regi­ment moved with the Divi­sion to the con­cen­tra­tion area for “Spar­tan”.  The first night was a night­mare, being very black and pour­ing rain caus­ing sev­eral quite ser­ious acci­dents.  It was at this con­cen­tra­tion area on the 27th of Feb­ru­ary that Lt-Col. R.W. Arm­strong took over com­mand of the Regi­ment from Lt-Col. K.N. Lan­der.  On the 2nd Feb­ru­ary the Regi­ment moved to a posi­tion SOUTH WEST of AND­OVER from where they advan­ced through MARL­BOR­OUGH, LAM­BOURN to ASH­DOWN PARK.  From here an encir­cling move was made through MARL­BOR­OUGH, COLNE, CHIP­PING­HAM, TIL­BURY, CI­REN­CES­TER BUR­FORD and end­ing at BAN­BURY on the 10th.
winter scene of the south downs from Chapelwood