27.  On the first of December 37 bat­tery re­lieved 76 bat­tery at HOVE taking over all their duties and bil­lets inclu­ding the Dome, the Regent and Maxims. It was at this time that the CO paid his famous unof­fi­cial visit and on asking the “up on the bit” sen­try on duty in front of the Offi­cers' Mess where the offi­cers' mess was he was direc­ted to Rec­tors.  Here he found all the bat­tery offi­cers very much at home.  Early in Decem­ber the Regi­ment was inspec­ted by the CRA, Brig. R.O.G. Mor­ton and later by the BRA Brig. Brown­field.  A very suc­cess­ful Christ­mas day was cele­bra­ted with the Ser­geants' Mess in toto wait­ing on the Men's Mess.  37 bat­tery was re­lieved and re­turned to the Regi­ment early in Janu­ary.  On the 18th Janu­ary the Divi­sional Artil­lery was formed up in a hol­low square to be inspec­ted and hear the fare­well ad­dress of Lt-Gen E.W. San­som, DSO, now appoin­ted Com­man­der of 2 Cana­dian Corps.  The high­light of this per­iod was the wed­ding of Ma­jor H.E. Brown.  This sol­emn occa­sion set in motion the wil­dest party the offi­cers' mess ever hope to experi­ence.  The bride and groom left moun­ted on a trailer pulled by FAT decor­ated to look like a horse.
crowd of personnel at the wedding of Major H.E. Brown