17th Field Regiment waiting for the inspection by the King and Queen on 1942 05 24


25.  September 1942 was famous for the bat­tle of the tac­ti­cal signs and woe betide the unfor­tu­nate who as much as men­tioned them to Staff Sgt Ander­son.  The design was repea­tedly changed and they had to be com­pletely repainted three times dur­ing the month.  On the 14th Sep­tem­ber the Regi­ment moved to Sen­ny­bridge for prac­tice camp.  After a week's road buil­ding the bat­ter­ies moved onto the ranges for course shoo­ting, tank shoo­ting and fire and move­ment.  The new MIKE tar­get pro­ce­dure was tried for the first time and proved very suc­cess­ful.