24.  In early August the Regi­ment moved to the “Cana­dian” county of SUS­SEX and took up resi­dence at CHAPEL­WOOD MANOR near NUT­LEY.  This was a hut­ted camp, not far from AL­FRIS­TON Ranges, on the edge of ASH­DOWN FOR­EST, an excel­lent area for trai­ning and deploy­ments.  As part of the coast de­fence scheme one bat­tery came under com­mand the 1st Ar­moured Bri­gade and was situ­ated in BRIGH­TON.  This was done by the bat­ter­ies in rota­tion with 60 bat­tery star­ting the ball rol­ling.  Dur­ing August much fire and move­ment trai­ning was car­ried out by all bat­ter­ies on AL­FRIS­TON Ran­ges.  The quick­est action was by 37 bat­tery who held the record with a time of 3 min­utes.  On the whole the re­sponse from the guns was excel­lent.
view of the gardens at Chapelwood Manor near Nutley