What they couldn't re­pair or draw re­place­ments for, they man­ufac­tured com­plete them­selves.  In addi­tion to their nor­mal job of pro­vi­ding run­ning re­pairs to our equip­ment they some­times found them­selves sad­dled with such pro­jects as pro­vi­ding com­plete heat­ing and plumb­ing sys­tems.  The se­cond was E Troop 2 Squad­ron, R.C.C.S.  They spent the grea­ter part of the first year on R/T pro­ce­dure and main­te­nance.  That the job was well-done was later proved time and time again in ac­tion.  Who could for­get the voice of L/Cpl. An­drews lay­ing down the law on the reg­imen­tal net.

RAM III - JUNE 1942.

23.  On the 9th June the Regi­ment par­ti­ci­pa­ted in it's first divi­sional ex­er­cise RAM III.  37 bat­tery was under com­mand the 1st Ar­moured Bri­gade, 76 bat­tery was under com­mand the 2 Ar­moured Bri­gade and 60 bat­tery was under com­mand the Sup­port Group.  Ra­tion trou­ble devel­oped early owing to the ex­treme decen­tral­iza­tion of the Regi­ment and the true sig­ni­fi­cance of the word “SNAFU” was indel­ibly im­pressed on every­one.  The whole exer­cise proved to be a bit com­pli­ca­ted for a Divi­sion in it's first field ven­ture.  At the con­clu­sion the Regi­ment re­turned to biv­ouac at EL­STEAD.  Mor­ale was high and all ranks thor­oughly en­joyed the stay in the open.  After a week in biv­ouac the Regi­ment pro­cee­ded to LARK­HILL for firing prac­tice which inclu­ded course shoo­ting, fire and move­ment, air­plane shoots and a regi­men­tal con­cen­tra­tion.  Much was learned and it was a highly suc­cess­ful prac­tice.  On the return to AL­DER­SHOT laying tests became the order of the day, with 60 bat­tery laying down the rule “no leave until laying tests are passed”.  This resul­ted in con­si­der­able “home work” after par­ade hours.  The Regi­ment walked away with the Div Artil­lery track and field meet on the 2nd July amas­sing a total of 49 points while the com­bined total of all the other Regi­ments was 50 points.  On the 7th July one gun crew under Sgt. Hegan, super­vised by Capt. W.M. Suther­land went to CAM­BER­LEY to demon­strate gun drill to RMC cadets.