The Division was to be inspected on the 24th May by Their Majes­ties and all efforts were now turned to pre­para­tion for this event.  Maroon divi­sional pat­ches were ac­qui­red and hur­riedly sewn on.  Every­thing was brought to a high stan­dard of per­fec­tion even to put­ting shoe blac­king on gun tires.  The Regi­ment was awar­ded the hon­our of doing the cer­emo­nial march past for the Divi­sion, a pri­vi­lege always awar­ded to the smar­test regi­ment in the for­ma­tion being inspec­ted.  For the inspec­tion the guns and FATs were drawn up in a hol­low square with the Regi­ment formed up in the cen­tre.  After being inspec­ted by Their Majes­ties the Unit marched past in troop col­umn.  All and sun­dry inclu­ding the most cri­ti­cal cri­tics were effu­sive in their com­pli­ments and this was undoub­tedly the high­light of the Regi­ment's stay in ENG­LAND.
21.  Training continued with much prac­tice on crash ac­tions.  Many peo­ple were sent on courses of all types.  On the 20th May the guns went to LYDD for anti-tank shoo­ting.  Fox troop dis­tin­guished them­selves with a score of 80 % hits, the Regi­men­tal aver­age being 41 %.  The FARN­BOR­OUGH sub-area Tab­loid Sports were held on the 22nd of May where the Regi­ment placed 2nd out of 17 teams, to qual­ify for the ALDER­SHOT Com­mand Area Sports on 3rd June where they placed fifth.  This was a very good show­ing con­si­der­ing the equip­ment and sports facil­ities avail­able to the team.  On the 15th June 60 bat­tery car­ried out a demon­stra­tion of crash ac­tions and occu­pa­tion of posi­tions for Lt-Gen. Sir J.R.E. Charles, Chief Engin­eer, British Army.


22.  Early in June the Regiment was joined by two very impor­tant detach­ments of at­tached troops.  The first was 58 LAD, R.C.O.C. and it was soon found that the name, “light aid detach­ment” was hardly suit­able.  They re­paired every­thing from Hydro bur­ners to Tanks.