20.  Then followed a period of training, inspec­tions and demon­stra­tions.  The first was a visit by the MGRA on the 13th March.  He made many com­pli­men­tary re­marks on the appear­ance of per­son­nel and trans­port.  By this time all offi­cers were wear­ing col­oured FS caps, CANADA's and NCO's stripes were whi­tened, white lan­yards worn and vehi­cles and guns were oiled, giv­ing the Regi­ment a very smart appear­ance.  On the 27th March a Demon­stra­tion sec­tion was sent to CAM­BER­LEY to put on a show for the staff offi­cers and drew many fav­our­able com­ments.  At this time the pow­ers that be star­ted to worry about the phy­si­cal con­di­tion of the Divi­sion.  The result was 12 mile divi­sional route mar­ches and PT from 0615 to 0645 hours des­pite the dif­fi­culty of see­ing the in­struc­tor owing to the dark­ness.  On the 13th April the Regi­ment went to FARGO Camp, LARK­HILL for trai­ning in fire and move­ment and re­turned on the 16th April.  The in­creased con­fi­dence with the equip­ment was here evi­dent and the re­sults were very pleas­ing to all.
example of a gun position taken during firing exercises