This, being the unit's first fir­ing over­seas com­bined with the some­what lengthy lay-off and the un­fam­ili­ar­ity with the equip­ment resul­ted in any­thing but a hap­py sit­ua­tion.  An ade­quate IG staff was pro­vi­ded and the fact that the offi­cers did gun drill before break­fast is a good indi­ca­tion of the pace that was set.  Even to-day the name of the IG, Capt. Cran­field makes offi­cers and Nos 1 shud­der.  Al­though at the start the tank shoo­ting was poor and crash ac­tions were slow, the end of the prac­tice camp showed a dif­fer­ent story.  As the fi­nale the Regi­ment did it's first full Regi­men­tal de­ploy­ment and fired it's first bar­rage on the 2nd March.  The bar­rage was viewed by the GOC Major-Gen­eral E. San­som and was ex­tremely suc­ces­ful.  After the bar­rage 60 and 37 bat­ter­ies with­drew under cov­er­ing fire from 76 bat­tery.  Easy troop then laid down a smoke screen to allow Fox troop to with­draw.  Every­one der­ived a tre­men­duous amount of bene­fit from the weeks trai­ning and, sum­ming up at the close of the prac­tice, the CIG Major Tay­lor said the im­prove­ment shown was “incre­dible”.  After a weeks road­build­ing the Regi­ment re­turned to it's ALDER­SHOT bar­racks.
forward view of guns set up for firing at Sennybridge