Tea drinking became a habit that per­sis­ted long after the unit left Eng­land.  On the sligh­test pro­vo­ca­tion at any time of the day or night there was always a “brew” on some­where.


17.  Landing leaves started imme­di­ately after the arri­val at ALDER­SHOT.  24 brand new 25-pdrs and the major­ity of the vehi­cles were drawn by the 23rd of Decem­ber.  The arri­val of the equip­ment meant every­one had now a defi­nite job and a dis­tinct rise in mor­ale was notice­able.  On the 25th Decem­ber, the new CO, Lt-Col. K.N. Lan­der ar­rived in time to cele­brate Christ­mas with the Regi­ment.  For the first Christ­mas out­side of CANADA there was a Regi­men­tal din­ner of pork with the offi­cers ser­ving beer.
18.  With the coming of the new year the CO soon let it be known that there was still a lot of work to be done and put the Regi­ment through the hoops with a ven­geance.  Regu­lar Satur­day mor­ning par­ades and inspec­tions were insti­tu­ted.  Guns were pain­ted, pol­ished and bur­nished.  Tac­ti­cal signs were pain­ted on vehi­cles.  An inten­sive train­ing pro­gramme was ini­tia­ted which swam­ped the Adju­tant, Capt. C.T. Fitz­pat­rick with syl­labi and gave the sub­al­tern instruc­tors many a head­ache.  Empha­sis was placed on the train­ing of dri­vers, map read­ing, night con­voys, gun drill and de­ploy­ments.  The lat­ter were han­di­capped by a lack of man­uals and suit­able areas.  On 6 Feb­ru­ary the guns were taken to POL­ING for a camera cali­bra­tion.  The roads were ex­tremely icy and were the cause of a major cala­mity when one of Fox troop guns over-turned and was badly smashed. 


19.  On the 19 Feb­ru­ary the Regi­ment made the first of many trips to SEN­NY­BRIDGE Ran­ges.  The first half of the stay at SEN­NY­BRIDGE was con­fined to troop and bat­tery de­ploy­ments and shoots.