His cour­age and cool­ness in a sit­ua­tion which sel­dom con­fronts the gun­ners kept his detach­ment on the gun and con­tin­ued to pro­duce the es­sen­tial fire re­quired by the other bat­ter­ies.
Later on “tank alert” was or­dered when in­for­ma­tion was re­cei­ved that tanks were en­ter­ing the town from the NORTH.  Sgt. Knight, again with ut­ter con­tempt for the mor­tars and ma­chine guns, mo­ved his gun up into the town to a pos­i­tion where he could co­ver the main cross-​roads so that he could take on any tanks which might threa­ten the bat­tery pos­i­tion and as a re­sult force the guns stop fi­ring.
During the whole en­gage­ment this Non-​Com­mis­sioned-​Of­fi­cer's con­duct was al­most be­yond com­pre­hen­sion.  His cool, stout-​hear­ted stead­iness and cour­age, the ex­ample he set for his de­tach­ment and the rest of the unit un­doub­tedly kept the re­main­der of his bat­tery in ac­tion and dur­ing which ac­tion the at­tack of a bri­gade in strength was suc­cess­fully bea­ten off.
E.46592 Gnr. BOUCHARD, R received the MM and his ci­ta­tion read as fol­lows:
During the night 16/17 Ap­ril 1945 the en­emy at­tac­ked and over-​ran 76 Bat­tery com­mand post, set­ting the buil­ding on fire and knoc­king out the wire­less sets.  Gun­ner Bou­chard real­iz­ing that word of a full scale at­tack must get back to the in­fan­try as soon as pos­si­ble, jum­ped into his veh and hea­ded for the in­fan­try bat­tal­ion head­quar­ters.  By this time the en­emy was dug-​in on both sides of the 400 yard stretch of road.  With ut­ter dis­re­gard for his own per­sonal safety, dis­play­ing ab­so­lute con­tempt for the en­emy fire, in­spi­red only by the tho­ught that some­thing had to be done, he hea­ded down the road.  Sheets of flame swept both sides of the ve­hi­cle as he pro­cee­ded on his self-​ap­poin­ted task and soon it was burn­ing fier­cely.  Ut­terly ob­liv­ious to all this he ar­rived at bat­tal­ion head­quar­ters and pre­sen­ted the first clear pic­ture of how ser­ious the sit­ua­tion was.  This man, by his own per­sonal ini­tia­tive, com­plete de­vo­tion to duty, con­tempt for dan­ger, set such an ex­am­ple to his com­rades and pro­duced clear and con­cise infor­ma­tion that the at­tack on OT­TER­LOO was suc­cess­fully re­pulsed.