Due to his quick appre­cia­tion of the sit­ua­tion, ex­cel­lent com­mand and ra­pid or­gan­iza­tion of the pos­i­tion for de­fence not one gun was lost, nor did the troop suf­fer one cas­ualty and no or­gan­ized at­tack got thro­ugh his pos­i­tion to the town.
His attitude of ut­ter con­tempt for the en­emy, his quick cheer­ful and sound or­ders to his men thro­ugh­out the night set an ex­am­ple which will long re­main in the hearts of his com­rades and of which his regi­ment is justly proud.
L.35252 Sgt. Knight, E.A.'s cita­tion for the D.C.M. reads as fol­lows:
On the night 16/17 Ap­ril 1945 at OT­TER­LOO when the en­emy at­temp­ted to break thro­ugh the town and re­join his main forces, this Non-​Com­mis­sioned-​Of­fi­cer was in com­mand of his gun de­tach­ment in 60 Bat­tery.  This bat­tery was si­ted in rear of the other two and dur­ing the early sta­ges of the at­tack, al­tho­ugh sub­jec­ted to in­tense mor­tar­ing and ma­chine gun fire did not have the en­emy act­u­ally on the gun pos­i­tion and as a re­sult was able to main­tain a ter­ri­fic con­cen­tra­tion of fire to assit the other two bat­ter­ies who were heav­ily en­gaged in figh­ting the en­emy.
While 60 Bat­tery guns were still fi­ring the en­emy did reach his pos­i­tion.  With ab­so­lutely no tho­ught of his own per­sonal safety, with con­tempt for the mor­tar bombs and ma­chine gun bul­lets which were lan­ding all over the pos­i­tion, Sgt. Knight, re­al­iz­ing his gun must con­tinue fi­ring, shot the first en­emy to ap­pro­ach his gun.  Then a se­cond Ger­man ap­peared and as this Non-​Com­mis­sioned-​Of­fi­cer at­temp­ted to deal sim­il­ar­ily with him, his wea­pon jam­med.  Again with no tho­ught of per­sonal con­se­quen­ces and dis­play­ing va­lor and a sense of duty far be­yond the nor­mal call, Sgt. Knight dis­posed of the next Ger­man with bare hands.  While all this was go­ing on he still con­tin­ued to pass fire or­ders to his gun, which re­mained in ac­tion the whole time.