Wrecked German equipment and a dead horse near Otterloo on April 17
text: Came the dawn at Otterloo
Many and great were the stor­ies that were pas­sed around but most of the men were far more in­ter­es­ted in ly­ing down and go­ing to sleep.  The Medi­cal Of­fi­cer, Capt D.F. Mar­celus was kept pretty busy in the mor­ning there be­ing 20 woun­ded in the regi­ment with nu­mer­ous pri­son­ers woun­ded.  The to­tal cas­u­al­ties suf­fered by the Regi­ment were 3 kil­led and 20 woun­ded, 3 guns knoc­ked out by ma­chine gun fire, 7 vehi­cles, 3 trai­lers and 1 mo­tor­cycle set on fire and burnt out.  The unit's claims of cas­u­al­ties in­flic­ted on the en­emy, which can ne­ver be ver­i­fied in to­tal, al­tho­ugh they in­clude only those which were ac­tu­ally seen, in­clude 31 kil­led, 9 woun­ded and 127 pri­soners.
49.  The Regiment had really done it­self proud and the men­tion of any out­stan­ding deed must be con­di­tioned by the fact that they were nu­mer­ous and many pas­sed un­no­ticed in the dark and con­fu­sion of the bat­tle.  At the time of the wri­ting of this his­tory three awards have been no­ti­fied.  Lt. A.​M. Ross's ci­ta­tion for the MC read as fol­lows:   On the night of 16/​17 Ap­ril 1945, F Troop of the 17 Ca­na­dian Field Regi­ment Ro­yal Ca­na­dian Ar­til­lery was de­ployed three hun­dred yards NORTH of the vil­lage of OT­TER­LOO, a junc­tion of five main high­ways two to the NORTH, one to the WEST, one to the SOUTH and one to the EAST.