March dis­ci­pline was excel­lent and not a vehi­cle or gun was left be­hind in the 1000 mile march.  There were 5 sta­ging camps at ST. RAM­BERT, MA­CON, LES LAU­MES, ME­LUN and CAM­BRAI re­spec­tively.  All ranks were much in­ter­es­ted in their first glim­pse of the fam­ous French girls and much amuse­ment was cau­sed when the CO, Lt-Col. G.A. Ran­kin and the IO, Lt. R.H. El­li­son paid more at­ten­tion to a cer­tain blonde than the road signs and man­aged to get sli­ghty lost.  The route was ex­tremely well mar­ked and the trip tho­ugh tir­ing was full of inter­est.  Miles and miles of Jerry vehi­cles and guns wrec­ked by the air force were pas­sed.  Af­ter Italy the clean­li­ness and friend­li­ness of the people was espe­ci­ally stri­king.  It was ex­tremely dif­fi­cult to carry out the se­cur­ity or­ders of no talk­ing to the ci­vil­ians.  The mor­ale of the men and of­fi­cers was na­tur­ally lo­wer ow­ing to the ban on CA­NA­DAs and for­ma­tion pat­ches.  Ev­ery­one has a tre­men­dous pride in be­ing Ca­na­dian and dis­like in­tensely ha­ving to pre­tend to be ano­ther na­tion­al­ity.  The wea­ther was cold and sunny and to­wards the end ev­ery­one was very tired, need­ing a bath and anx­ious to get to their des­tin­ation.

WERVIK - March 1945.

45.  After leaving CAM­BRAI on the 7th March the Regi­ment met the ad­vance party un­der Capt. C.E. Brown, MC at COURT­RAI and were led to their new home in WER­VIK, a Bel­gian town on the French bor­der.  Every­one was bil­let­ted with fam­il­ies in the town and the wel­come that the indi­vi­du­als and the Regi­ment as a whole re­ceived makes the stay there se­cond in im­por­tance to OT­TER­LOO in the his­tory of the Regi­ment.  The way that ev­er­y­one be­came a mem­ber of a fam­ily and was made to feel so at home was truly amaz­ing and was re­flec­ted in the pride the men took in their ap­pear­ance.  Af­ter ITALY to sud­denly have a home and fam­ily to be able to go into a pub and or­der a beer, and the speedy grant­ing of UK leaves made many won­der if they were not in hea­ven.  Se­cur­ity was lif­ted and mor­ale jum­ped even higher when the men again be­came Ca­na­dians.  The Bel­gian Red Cross were really won­der­ful, open­ing a swish can­teen for the men, spar­ing no ef­fort to make them happy and feel at home.