1 March 1945 to 26 May 1945

MARSEILLES - February 1945.

44.  Secret orders opened on board con­firmed the sus­pi­cion that we were going to NW Eur­ope and the Divi­sion lan­ded at MAR­SEIL­LES, con­cen­tra­ting at a camp some miles from the port.  As soon as the Regi­ment was com­plete it was al­lot­ted a con­voy ser­ial num­ber and star­ted the north­ward trek up the val­ley of the RHONE to BEL­GIUM.  This was the long­est move the Regi­ment had made and was cer­tainly one of the most suc­cess­ful.
field artillery tractor, limber, and twenty-five pounder gun on wharf in Marseilles
guns being unloaded at Marseilles prior to the long haul through France and Belgium