Many close sup­port tar­gets were fi­red with­out rang­ing and the guns were found to be shoo­ting dead to the map with the Ital­ians en­thu­sias­tic about the ar­til­lery sup­port.  The en­thu­si­asm was not re­ci­pro­ca­ted and the fact that al­ter­na­tive pos­i­tions were pre­pared all the way back SUN route to RA­VENNA was a mea­sure of the con­fi­dence in them.  In ad­di­tion to its nor­mal du­ties the Regi­ment was also sad­dled with the re­spon­sibil­ity of de­ploy­ing, train­ing and fi­ring three Ital­ian Bat­ter­ies.  This meant many a head­ache for the Ad­ju­tant Capt. A.W. Fair.

CATTOLICA - 23 Jan 45.

42.  On the 23rd Jan­u­ary 1945 the 2nd Cdn Field Regi­ment RCA Reps and FOOs took over and the unit mo­ved to CAT­TO­LICA in a blin­ding snow­storm.  The ac­co­mo­da­tion was very un­sa­tis­fac­tory there being no doors, win­dows, furn­i­ture or fuel.  How­ever the En­gi­neers lent a hand and even­tu­ally things im­pro­ved con­si­der­ably.  This Rest Area was ex­cep­tional in that there really was a rest.  Work con­sis­ted mainly of check­ing over the new vehi­cles and paint­ing the guns.  The area was soon well or­gan­ized with two mo­vies a day oper­a­ting.  Bat­tery can­teens with no lack of stocks and a li­beral sup­ply of lea­ves to ROME, FLOR­ENCE, and FOS­SOM­BRONE.  Ru­mours as to our fu­ture des­tina­tion came wild and furi­ous when on the 6th Feb­ru­ary the Regi­ment was put on 48​hrs no­tice to move.  Tommy guns were with­drawn and in a last min­ute scram­ble the unit com­ple­ted ex­er­cise “SWAP”.  It was here that the Den­tal Of­fi­cer Ma­jor H.S. Lan­kin chris­tened the 2 I/Cs cara­van from his third story apart­ment after a bout with large quan­ti­ties of cog­nac.  The 2 I/C Ma­jor D.L. Gor­don MBE, ob­jec­ted stren­u­ously on the grounds that his cara­van was not water­proof.


42.  The Regiment moved off on 17th Feb­ru­ary leav­ing the Ital­ians rum­mag­ing thro­ugh the gar­bage dumps.  As us­ual CA­NA­DAs Div Pat­ches, and Regi­men­tal flashes had been ta­ken down with all Ca­na­dian signs on vehi­cles pain­ted out.