Many close support targets were fired without ranging and the guns were found
to be shooting dead to the map with the Italians enthusiastic about the
artillery support.
The enthusiasm was not reciprocated and the fact that
alternative positions
were prepared all the way back SUN route to RAVENNA was a measure of the confidence
in them.
In addition to its normal duties the Regiment was also saddled with the
responsibility of deploying, training and firing three Italian
This meant many a headache for the Adjutant Capt. A.W. Fair.
On the 23rd January 1945 the 2nd Cdn Field Regiment
took over and the unit moved to CATTOLICA in a blinding snowstorm.
The accomodation was very unsatisfactory there being
no doors, windows, furniture or fuel.
However the Engineers lent a hand and eventually things improved
This Rest Area was exceptional in that there really was a rest.
Work consisted mainly of checking over the new vehicles and painting the guns.
The area was soon well organized with two movies a day operating.
Battery canteens with no lack of stocks and a liberal supply of leaves to ROME,
Rumours as to our future destination came wild and furious when on the 6th
February the Regiment was put on 48hrs notice to move.
Tommy guns were withdrawn and in a last minute scramble the unit completed
exercise “SWAP”.
It was here that the Dental Officer Major H.S. Lankin christened the
2 I/Cs caravan from his third
story apartment
after a bout with large quantities of cognac.
The 2 I/C Major D.L. Gordon
objected strenuously on the grounds that his caravan was not waterproof.
The Regiment moved off on 17th February leaving the Italians rummaging
through the garbage dumps.
As usual CANADAs Div Patches, and Regimental flashes had been taken down
with all Canadian signs on vehicles painted out.