The attack on CONVENTELLO began at 0500 hrs on the 2nd Jan­u­ary.  The fire­plan con­sis­ting mainly of tar­gets on call was the most com­pli­ca­ted in the his­tory of the Regi­ment and found fav­our with nei­ther In­fan­try nor Gun­ners.  Jerry put in a coun­ter-​at­tack of bri­gade strength on the 3rd Jan­u­ary but he was thrown back with very heavy los­ses.  SAN AL­BERTO was cap­tured and the Regi­ment mo­ved for­ward to its last gun area in Italy at the Su­gar Fac­tory near MEZ­ZANO.  Once the COM­MAC­CHIO area was clear de­fen­sive works were con­struc­ted in pre­par­a­tion for sit­ting down for the win­ter.
40.  The Regiment remained in this pos­i­tion thro­ugh­out Jan­u­ary and man­aged to make it­self very com­fort­able.  RHQ as usual had the plum, hav­ing a richly fur­nished house with run­ning wa­ter, steam heat and elec­tric light.  There was con­si­der­able en­emy shel­ling of the area and one troop per week moved to a har­as­sing fire pos­i­tion and did all the fir­ing ex­cept DFs.  Li­berty trucks were run to RA­VENNA and there was even the oc­ca­sional pic­ture show in a wrec­ked fac­tory on the pos­i­tion.  Exer­cise SWAP got un­der­way and new ve­hi­cles began to roll in.
41.  Around the 13th Janu­ary the Ital­ian CRE­MONA GRUP­PE re­lie­ved 11 Cdn In­fan­try Bri­gade but the ar­til­lery re­mained since the Ital­ian gun­ners were not well-​eno­ugh trai­ned.  This was the be­gin­ning of a long series of head­aches.  On the change-​over the traf­fic on the roads was hope­less with se­veral Ital­ian con­voys wan­der­ing aro­und lost with full head­lights.  Trou­ble soon arose at Bat­tal­ion Head­quar­ters ow­ing to lan­guage dif­fi­cul­ties but they were even­tu­ally de­ployed tho­ugh the FOOs and Reps were any­thing but a happy lot.  For the next two weeks they were kept very busy with Shel­reps and Moreps and pro­vid­ing sup­port for small scale pa­trol cla­shes.
Out­posts chan­ged hands as of­ten as three times daily and fire-​plan after fire-​plan was fired on TOS­CHE and RIC­CI­BITTI.