Entertainment was here pro­vi­ded by the “Mad Mile” a stretch of road that the en­emy had under ob­ser­va­tion and con­tin­ually shelled.  The OPs were sub­jec­ted to re­gu­lar shel­ling and ma­chine gun fire at first light, noon and last light.  Capt. D.H. Weir had one hec­tic even­ing when an en­emy SP gave him a go­ing over, le­vel­ling his Ob­ser­va­tion Post to the ground and kil­ling his Ob­ser­va­tion Post As­sis­tant Gnr. Wing, O.W.  Ar­til­lery duels oc­cur­red on the slight­est pro­vo­ca­tion.  En­emy ma­chine gun fire fre­quently re­sul­ted in our mor­tars open­ing up, en­emy mor­tars re­ply­ing and fi­nally the ar­til­lery.  On the 31st Jan­uary the Regi­ment came un­der com­mand 5 Ca­na­dian Ar­moured Di­vi­sion who took over the sec­tor.  Early in Feb­ru­ary the Regi­ment was paid a fly­ing visit by the 8th Army Com­man­der, Gen­eral Sir Oli­ver Leese, KCB, CBE, DSO.
air observation post aircraft flying over an artillery gun near Castelfrentano, Italy