2.  The discipline was ex­cel­lent through­out, the con­duct of the men quiet and sol­dier­ly and the ship was kept clean and in good or­der at all times.  All Offi­cers and Other Ranks as­sig­ned to duty on ship­board per­formed their work effi­ciently and well.  Gun­ners as­sig­ned to as­sist in the de­fences of the ship ren­dered excel­lent services dur­ing the en­emy tor­pedo bom­ber at­tack and the con­duct of all troops on that oc­ca­sion was, all that could be ex­pec­ted of the best of sol­diers.  Lt-Col. R.W. Arm­strong, OC Troops, wor­ked thor­oughly in har­mony with the ships P.E. — Army, Navy and Mer­chant Marine — and the Sen­ior Officer aboard Bri­ga­dier R.O.G. Mor­ton was most co­oper­ative and help­ful.
3.  It would have been a plea­sure in any case to be as­so­cia­ted with the Armed Forces of Ca­nada and it has been par­ticu­larly so when troops car­ried have been so fine a body of figh­ting men as these.
(Sgd.) Ward. L. Schrantz,                      
Colonel, Transport Commander.

NAPLES, 8 NOV. '43.

3.  From NAPLES the Regi­ment be­gan the 14 mile march to the cam­ping area in a vine­yard near AF­RA­GOLA.  This was the first in­tro­duc­tion to “ci­gar­ette for poppa” and il­lu­sions about the beauty of NA­PLES were soon dis­pel­led by the filth and smells.  The first night was spent in the open with tents ar­riv­ing the fol­low­ing day, the tents were all sizes and shapes and had to be put up and ta­ken down se­veral dozen times before the C.O. was satis­fied that we had a more or less or­derly look­ing camp.  Con­tin­ual warn­ings about the amount of dis­ease in the area were re­iter­ated and fruit pur­chased had to be washed and peeled.  Des­pite ad­vice to the con­trary ex­peri­ments were soon made with the local “joy juice” but sel­dom re­pea­ted.