27 October 1943 to 28 February 1945
1.  Quarters aboard ship were crow­ded but rea­son­ably com­fort­able.  Al­though it was only pos­si­ble to have two meals a day the ra­tions were Amer­ican and a real treat af­ter an al­most steady diet of NAAFI sau­sage, mut­ton and Brus­sel sprouts.  The wea­ther was per­fect with calm sea and bright sun­shine.  The con­voy pro­ceed­ed so far west in the At­lan­tic that the pos­si­bil­ity of reach­ing HAL­I­FAX was dis­cus­sed.  The is­sue of me­pa­crine pills was started.  Of­fi­cers be­gan giv­ing lec­tures on Ma­laria.  A pamph­let on “The Be­hav­ior of Troops in North Af­rica”, was gi­ven to all ranks and the bet­ting as to where we would land re­ceived a new im­pe­tus.  Con­si­der­able cen­tral­iza­tion of mo­ney took place dur­ing the trip both among Other Ranks and the Of­fi­cers, with po­ker and “the bones” be­ing the fa­vour­ite met­hods.  The con­voy pas­sed through the Straits of Gib­ral­tar just be­fore sun­set giv­ing ev­ery­one a won­der­ful view of the Rock.  The ligh­ted coast of TAN­GIERS aroused a great deal of in­ter­est after two years of black­out.  On the 6th No­vem­ber our con­voy was at­tack­ed at dusk by tor­pedo bom­bers.  La­ter re­ports sta­ted that one ship was sunk, two da­maged and 3 en­emy planes shot down.  The fol­low­ing night, in anti­ci­pa­tion of a re­peat per­for­mance by Jerry, the ship's Ack Ack de­fences were re­in­forced by all avail­able bren guns man­ned by unit per­son­nel.  To no­body's sor­row all was quiet and the ship docked at NAP­LES 8th No­vem­ber.
2.  The Amer­ican Trans­port Com­man­der of the ship paid the unit the high com­pli­ment by writ­ing the fol­low­ing let­ter:
To Com­mand­ing Gen­eral. Ca­na­dian Troops in It­aly.
1.  The con­duct, at­ti­tude and bear­ing of the Ca­na­dian troops brought to It­aly on this ves­sel have been so com­men­da­ble that it seems pro­per to bring them to the fa­vour­able at­ten­tion of the Com­man­ding Gen­eral Ca­na­dian Troops in Italy.