When Lt-Col. McIntosh was kil­led he had a man re­place him tem­por­ar­ily and ig­nor­ing the shel­ling rushed out in the open to see if he could be of as­sis­tance.  The Colo­nel and a sig­nal­ler were too far gone but one sig­nal­ler, tho­ugh badly woun­ded seemed to have a chance.  Gnr. Mar­chuck ap­plied 15 shell dres­sings, or­gan­ized a stret­cher party to carry the man out since the road was jam­med and then re­turned to his post at the cross-​roads.  The guns were to be si­lent un­til “H” hour.  The pur­pose of this was ap­pre­cia­ted but it was dif­fi­cult to sit back and be shel­led so much and not be able to re­tal­iate.
ruins in the battered town of Montemaggiore