truck and tank camouflaged under trees
The Infantry who were con­cen­tra­ted near the posi­tion got their first idea of what a gun posi­tion was like and there­af­ter looked at gun­ners with new res­pect while at the same time stay­ing as far away from the guns as pos­si­ble.  Capt. F.J.M. Archi­bald now wears the Mili­tary Cross as a re­sult of his work at this posi­tion.  His ci­ta­tion reads:


“On the 21st May 1944, “E” Troop gun posi­tion mid­way bet­ween PONTE CORVO and AC­QUI­NO about 3000 yards EAST, was being heav­ily shel­led.  Af­ter a hit on an ammu­ni­tion dump the fire got out of con­trol and as re­sult brought down a very se­vere shel­ling.  On the 21 May 1944 se­ver­al shells lan­ded at once, one bury­ing Lieut. Archi­bald and one lan­ding bet­ween two slit trenches kil­ling three men mor­tally woun­ding a fourth and woun­ding four others.