15.  On the 14th April 1944 the Regi­ment moved to a gun posi­tion at ACQUA­FON­DATA reliev­ing the 30 Fd Regt Royal Artil­lery.  This was only a hold­ing role but none­the­less was no pic­nic.  The coun­try was ex­tremely moun­tain­ous and rocky.  The roads were very nar­row, twisty, rough and in many places non­exis­tent so that mules were ne­ces­sary to get R/T sets and sup­plies to the Ob­ser­va­tion Posts.  The Wa­gon Lines and Eche­lons were 30 miles away.  There was con­si­der­able shel­ling of the gun area with fly­ing rock splin­ters prov­ing more dan­ger­ous than the shell frag­ments.  On the 16th May the Regi­ment was visi­ted by the corps Com­man­der Lt-​Gen­eral E.L.M. Burns, the G.O.C. Ma­jor Gen­eral B.M. Hoff­meis­ter DSO and the C.R.A. 2 New Zea­land Di­vi­sion.  Upper re­gis­ter shoot­ing was tried for the first time in this po­si­tion but with­out a great deal of suc­cess.  A very suc­cess­ful MIKE tar­get was fired on the 30 Ap­ril when an OP re­por­ted vehi­cles on the road into VAL­LE­LUCE.  A few flames and a large ex­plo­sion be­lieved to be an am­muni­tion dump, were seen, and a pa­trol sent to in­ves­tigate la­ter repor­ted great da­mage as a result of the shoot.  There was very little fir­ing ex­cept for oc­ca­sional D.F. and H.F. tar­gets, the time being spent in daily gun drill and fire dis­ci­pline per­iods and nu­mer­ous D.Fs.

CAPUA - 3 MAY '44.

16.  The Regiment was relieved by the 1/6 Field Regi­ment South Afri­can Ar­til­lery on the 3rd May 1944 and moved to a con­cen­tra­tion area on the banks of the VOL­TUR­NO near CAP­UA.  Since it was the in­ten­tion that the Ca­na­dian Corps dis­ap­pear for a per­iod, par­ti­cular at­ten­tion was paid to ca­mou­flage.  So ex­cel­lent was the ca­mou­flage of the Regi­ment that it was used as an exam­ple for groups of 8th Army Offi­cers on camou­flage courses.  A com­peti­tion was held and Dog Troop was judged the best camou­flaged troop within the Regi­ment.  On 8th May the Regiment was visited by the 8th Army Com­man­der Ge­neral Sir Oli­ver Leese, who in­spec­ted the area, talked to many of the men and con­gratu­lated them on their camou­flage.