Many were sent on courses, espe­cially MT and, in addi­tion, unit clas­ses were organ­ized for re­cruits, NCOs and offi­cers.  Gun sheds had by now become avail­able and inten­sive train­ing in lay­ing and fire dis­ci­pline was star­ted.  Late in Feb­ru­ary a con­si­der­able por­tion of the Regi­ment took part in a camp moun­ted March Past at OTTAWA.  Slight con­fu­sion resul­ted when F Eche­lon met A Eche­lon going the oppo­site direc­tion at the salu­ting base.


12.  With the coming of spring, the ranges became usable and field train­ing was inten­si­fied.  The first shoot was car­ried out amid an impo­sing array of safety pre­cau­tions.  Great pro­gress was made in reducing the camp stocks of 18-pdr shrap­nel and 4.5 how­it­zer HE.  Num­er­ous demon­stra­tion shoots and deploy­ments were car­ried out, par­tic­u­larly one for the Cana­dian Press Asso­cia­tion and one for the Senior Offi­cers Course from KING­STON.  The 17th became known as the “Demon­stra­tion Regiment” and it was a stan­ding joke that the Regi­ment was going to HOL­LY­WOOD to make a picture.
distance view of 17th Field Regiment firing first rounds at Petawawa