This is the story of a Regi­ment that was never satis­fied to be second best in any­thing.  It was re­cruited entirely in Wes­tern Canada.  Men from all walks of life, knit­ted toge­ther by army life, hard­ships and dan­ger, shared by all, worked and sweated toge­ther to pro­duce a mag­nifi­cent figh­ting team.  Blan­coing and whiten­ing and officers' red caps became stan­dard equip­ment.  They were proud to be the smar­test looking body of men wherever they went.  Not con­tent with appear­ance alone they trained hard and estab­lished records and an envi­able repu­ta­tion in such places as LARK­HILL and SEN­NY­BRIDGE.  The value of such training was ob­vious time and time again in ac­tion when the Regi­ment more than earned the confi­dence and praise of 11 Cana­dian In­fan­try Bri­gade.
To the officers and men, the Regi­ment it­self was a li­ving en­tity and was their home and fam­ily.  The tra­di­tion of al­ways be­ing the best made for pride in the Regi­ment but that was only a part.  The wor­king toge­ther in all sorts of dif­fi­cul­ties and try­ing times and suc­cess­fully over­com­ing them toge­ther made for a team play and es­prit de corps which made the 17th un­beat­able.